Monday, 30 September 2024

Commonly used EDIFACT transactions sets

  • ORDERS - Purchase Order: Used to place an order for goods or services. It communicates information about the items ordered, quantities, prices, and delivery details between buyer and seller.
  • ORDRSP - Purchase Order Response: Sent by the seller in response to an ORDERS message, it confirms acceptance, rejection, or modification of the purchase order.
  • INVOIC - Invoice: Used to bill the buyer for goods or services provided. It contains details about the items sold, prices, taxes, and payment terms.
  • DESADV - Despatch Advice: Also known as an Advance Shipping Notice (ASN), it is sent by the supplier to notify the buyer about the dispatch of goods. It includes details such as contents, packaging, and delivery information.
  • RECADV - Receiving Advice: Sent by the buyer to acknowledge receipt of goods and report any discrepancies between the order and received items (e.g., missing or damaged goods).
  • PRICAT - Price Catalogue: Communicates product pricing, item descriptions, and catalogue information between trading partners.
  • IFTMIN - Instruction for Dispatch (Shipping Instructions): Sent by the buyer or a third party to provide detailed shipping instructions for the dispatch of goods, including delivery locations and schedules.
  • IFTSTA - Status Report: Used by carriers to provide status updates on the transportation of goods, including tracking details and delivery updates.
  • IFTMCS - Instruction to Collect Goods: Used to instruct a third-party logistics provider to collect goods from a supplier and deliver them to the buyer or a designated location.
  • CONTRL - Control Message: Acknowledges the receipt and syntactic correctness of an EDIFACT message. It is like the X12 997 Functional Acknowledgment.
  • DELFOR - Delivery Forecast: Communicates delivery schedules or forecasts between trading partners, often used in just-in-time (JIT) inventory management.
  • DELJIT - Just-in-Time Delivery: Specifies exact quantities of goods to be delivered at precise times, typically used in manufacturing environments to minimize inventory levels.
  • REMADV - Remittance Advice: Sent by the buyer to notify the seller that a payment has been made and to provide details about the invoice or invoices being paid.
  • PAYMUL - Multiple Payment Order: Sent to instruct a financial institution to make multiple payments to different parties in a single message, typically as part of a bulk payment process.
  • PAYORD - Payment Order: Provides payment instructions to the buyer’s financial institution to transfer funds to the seller.
  • CREADV - Credit Advice: Sent by a financial institution to inform a party of an incoming credit payment, such as a refund or adjustment.
  • DEBADV - Debit Advice: Sent by a financial institution to inform a party of a debit against their account.
  • QUOTES - Quote: Sent by the seller to provide a quotation for goods or services. It includes price, terms, and availability.
  • REQOTE - Request for Quote: Sent by a buyer to request a quotation from the seller for goods or services.
  • APERAK - Application Acknowledgment: Provides acknowledgment that a message was received and processed by the receiving party's application system (similar to CONTRL but focuses on business-level acknowledgment).
  • SLSRPT - Sales Data Report: Communicates sales data from the buyer to the supplier, often used for inventory management and demand forecasting.
  • PRODAT - Product Data: Communicates detailed product specifications and technical information between trading partners.
  • INSDES - Instruction to Deliver: Provides detailed instructions to a delivery service for the delivery of goods to a specific location, typically used in retail or distribution environments.
  • INVRPT - Inventory Report: Reports inventory levels and stock status between trading partners to facilitate reordering, stock planning, and inventory management.
  • PARTIN - Party Information: Communicates information about parties involved in a transaction, such as suppliers, buyers, and intermediaries. This message is often used for onboarding new trading partners.

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Commonly used X12 transaction sets - Inventory Management X12 Transactions


  • 846 - Inventory Inquiry/Advice: Communicates current inventory levels, allowing retailers or warehouses to update stock status or check product availability.

  • 850 - Purchase Order: Initiates the ordering of goods to restock inventory levels, including item details and quantities.

  • 855 - Purchase Order Acknowledgment: Confirms the seller’s receipt of a purchase order and any acceptance or modifications.

  • 852 - Product Activity Data: Provides detailed inventory movements, such as sales, shipments, or stock levels at multiple locations (used for forecasting and replenishment).

  • 853 - Routing and Carrier Instruction: Communicates transportation and routing instructions to ensure proper delivery or shipment of inventory.

  • 860 - Purchase Order Change Request: Requests changes to an existing purchase order due to updated inventory needs.

  • 862 - Shipping Schedule: Provides shipping instructions and schedules for inventory replenishment to ensure products arrive on time.

  • 870 - Order Status Report: Provides status updates on inventory orders, allowing retailers to track shipments, delays, or backorders.

Saturday, 28 September 2024

Commonly used X12 transaction sets - Warehouse X12 Transactions

Here is a list of warehouse-related EDI X12 transactions and their purposes:

  • 940 - Warehouse Shipping Order: Directs a warehouse to ship goods to a specified location.

  • 943 - Warehouse Stock Transfer Shipment Advice: Communicates the shipment of goods from one warehouse to another.

  • 944 - Warehouse Stock Transfer Receipt Advice: Confirms the receipt of a stock transfer shipment at the receiving warehouse.

  • 945 - Warehouse Shipping Advice: Confirms the shipment of goods from the warehouse to the designated location.

  • 946 - Delivery Information Message: Provides information on the delivery of goods to or from the warehouse.

  • 947 - Warehouse Inventory Adjustment Advice: Communicates inventory adjustments, such as gains, losses, or damage, to update inventory records.

Friday, 27 September 2024

Commonly used X12 transaction sets - Healthcare X12 Transactions (HIPAA Compliance)

In the healthcare industry, X12 standards are mandated under HIPAA for the electronic exchange of healthcare-related transactions.

  • 837 - Healthcare Claim: Used by healthcare providers to submit claims to payers (insurance companies) for services rendered.
  • 837P: Professional claims.
  • 837I: Institutional claims.
  • 837D: Dental claims.
  • 835 - Healthcare Payment/Advice: Provides an Explanation of Benefits (EOB) and payment details for claims.
  • 270/271 - Eligibility Inquiry and Response: Used to inquire about a patient's health insurance coverage and benefits.
  • 276/277 - Claim Status Inquiry and Response: Used to inquire about the status of a previously submitted healthcare claim.
  • 834 - Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance: Used to enroll members in health insurance plans or update enrollment information.
  • 820 - Payroll Deducted and Other Group Premium Payment: Communicates premium payment information to health insurance carriers.

Thursday, 26 September 2024

Commonly used X12 transaction sets - Transportation and Logistics X12 Transactions

These transaction sets are used for freight and shipment processing across various modes of transport.

  • 214 - Transportation Carrier Shipment Status Message: Communicates the status of a shipment from the carrier to the shipper or consignee.
  • 210 - Motor Carrier Freight Details and Invoice: Used by the carrier to bill for the transportation of goods.
  • 204 - Motor Carrier Load Tender: Used to offer a shipment to a carrier.
  • 211 - Motor Carrier Bill of Lading: Used for detailing the contents and delivery terms of a shipment.
  • 212 - Motor Carrier Delivery Trailer Manifest: Lists the contents of a trailer for delivery purposes.
  • 215 - Motor Carrier Pickup Manifest: Communicates the items and locations for pickups to be made by a motor carrier, including instructions and contact information.
  • 216 - Motor Carrier Shipment Pickup Notification: Notifies the shipper or consignee that a shipment has been picked up by the carrier.
  • 990 - Response to a Load Tender: The carrier uses this transaction to respond to a 204 Load Tender, either accepting or rejecting the shipment offer
  • 310 - Freight Receipt and Invoice (Ocean): Used for ocean shipping to invoice freight charges.

Tuesday, 24 September 2024

Example of a HIPAA EDI Transaction

Here’s a simplified example of an 837 Health Care Claim (Professional) transaction:

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SUBMITTER ID *ZZ*RECEIVER ID *20240814*1253*^*00501*000000001*0*P*:~
GS*HC*SUBMITTER ID*RECEIVER ID*20240814*1253*1*X*005010X222A1~ ST*837*0001*005010X222A1~ BHT*0019*00*0123*20240814*1253*CH~ NM1*41*2*SUBMITTER NAME*****46*SUBMITTER ID~ NM1*40*2*RECEIVER NAME*****46*RECEIVER ID~ HL*1**20*1~ NM1*85*2*PROVIDER NAME*****XX*1234567890~ N3*PROVIDER ADDRESS~ N4*CITY*STATE*ZIP~ HL*2*1*22*0~ NM1*IL*1*PATIENT LAST NAME*PATIENT FIRST NAME****MI*MEMBER ID~ N3*PATIENT ADDRESS~ N4*CITY*STATE*ZIP~ CLM*CLAIM ID*100***11:B:1*Y*A*Y*Y~ REF*D9*AUTHORIZATION ID~ HI*BK:Z1234*ABK:G5678~ LX*1~ SV1*HC:99213*100*UN*1***1~ SE*23*0001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~
  • ISA/IEA Segments: The Interchange Control Header and Trailer, which envelop the entire transaction.
  • GS/GE Segments: The Functional Group Header and Trailer, which group related transactions.
  • ST/SE Segments: The Transaction Set Header and Trailer, which define the boundaries of a single transaction.
  • NM1 Segments: Contain information about the entities involved in the transaction, such as the provider, patient, and insurer.
  • CLM Segment: Contains claim information, including claim ID, amount, and service details.
  • SV1 Segment: Contains information about the service provided, including the procedure code and charge amount.

Monday, 23 September 2024

Example of a RosettaNet Message

 Here’s a simplified example of a PIP for Order Placement:

<OrderHeader> <OrderNumber>12345</OrderNumber> <OrderDate>2024-08-14</OrderDate> <Buyer>ABC Electronics</Buyer> <Seller>XYZ Components</Seller> </OrderHeader> <OrderLineItems> <LineItem> <ItemNumber>98765</ItemNumber> <Quantity>100</Quantity> <UnitPrice>10.00</UnitPrice> </LineItem> </OrderLineItems> </PurchaseOrder>
  • OrderHeader: Contains information about the order, such as the order number, date, and details of the buyer and seller.
  • OrderLineItems: Lists the items being ordered, including the item number, quantity, and unit price.

Example of a VDA Message Structure


Here’s a simplified example of a VDA 4905 Delivery Schedule message:

01 12345678 20240814
02 10001 20240815 50 02 10002 20240816 75 02 10003 20240817 100 03 END
  • 01: Header record, providing general information such as document number and date.
  • 02: Line item record, detailing individual delivery items, including part numbers, delivery dates, and quantities.
  • 03: Trailer record, marking the end of the message.

Sunday, 22 September 2024

Example of an ODETTE Message Structure


Here’s a simplified example of a Just-In-Time Delivery Schedule (DELJIT) message in the ODETTE format:

UNH+DELJIT001+DELJIT:D:93A:UN:1.0' BGM+160+123456789+9' DTM+3:20210810:102' NAD+BY+12345::9' LIN+1++123456:IN' QTY+47:100' DTM+2:20210812:102' UNT+8+DELJIT001' UNZ+1+000000001'
  • UNB (Interchange Header): Identifies the beginning of the interchange and includes sender and receiver information.
  • UNH (Message Header): Identifies the start of a message and specifies the message type (DELJIT).
  • BGM (Beginning of Message): Contains basic information about the message, such as the document number and type.
  • DTM (Date/Time/Period): Provides date and time information relevant to the delivery schedule.
  • NAD (Name and Address): Identifies the buyer.
  • LIN (Line Item): Details each line item in the delivery schedule.
  • QTY (Quantity): Specifies the quantity of items to be delivered.
  • UNT (Message Trailer): Marks the end of the message content.
  • UNZ (Interchange Trailer): Marks the end of the interchange.

Saturday, 21 September 2024

Example of a TRADACOMS Message Structure

Here’s a simplified example of a TRADACOMS Purchase Order (ORDERS) file:

MHD=1+ORDHDR:9' TYP=0430+ORD+123456' SDT=12345+SUPPLIER NAME' BCD=1+EAN1234567890123' QTY=1+100' PRI=1+999' END=ORDHDR' MTR=0001'
  • STX (Start of Text): Marks the start of the file and includes sender and receiver information.
  • MHD (Message Header): Identifies the type of message and provides a reference.
  • TYP (Message Type): Specifies the type of transaction, such as an order.
  • SDT (Supplier Details): Provides information about the supplier.
  • BCD (Barcode): Includes product identification information.
  • QTY (Quantity): Specifies the quantity of items ordered.
  • PRI (Price): Provides pricing information for the items.
  • END (End of Message): Marks the end of the message content.
  • MTR (Message Trailer): Concludes the file.

Friday, 20 September 2024

Example of an EDIFACT Message Structure

 Here’s a simplified example of an EDIFACT Invoice (INVOIC) message:

UNB+UNOA:1+SENDERID+RECEIVERID+210710:1234+000000001' UNH+EDIFACT001+INVOIC:D:93A:UN:1.6' BGM+380+123456789+9' DTM+3:20210710:102' RFF+ON:123456' NAD+BY+12345::9' CUX+2:USD:4' LIN+1++123456:UP' PIA+1+ABC123:SA' QTY+47:100' PRI+AAA:9.99' TAX+7+VAT+++:::5' UNT+14+EDIFACT001' UNZ+1+000000001'
  • UNB (Interchange Header): Identifies the beginning of the interchange and includes sender and receiver information.
  • UNH (Message Header): Identifies the start of a message and specifies the message type (INVOIC).
  • BGM (Beginning of Message): Contains basic information about the message, such as document number and type.
  • DTM (Date/Time/Period): Provides date and time information.
  • RFF (Reference): Includes references such as order numbers.
  • NAD (Name and Address): Identifies the buyer.
  • CUX (Currency): Specifies the currency used.
  • LIN (Line Item): Details each line item in the invoice.
  • PIA (Additional Product Id): Provides additional product identification.
  • QTY (Quantity): Details the quantity of the item.
  • PRI (Price): Provides pricing information.
  • TAX (Tax Details): Includes tax information.
  • UNT (Message Trailer): Marks the end of the message.
  • UNZ (Interchange Trailer): Marks the end of the interchange.

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Example of an ANSI ASC X12 Message Structure


Here’s a simplified example of a Purchase Order (850) document:

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *210707*1234*U*00401*000000001*0*P*>
GS*PO*SENDERID*RECEIVERID*20210707*1234*1*X*004010 ST*850*0001 BEG*00*SA*123456789**20210707 REF*DP*038 N1*ST*ACME INDUSTRIES*92*12345 PO1*1*100*EA*9.99**BP*123456 CTT*1 SE*8*0001 GE*1*1 IEA*1*000000001
  • ISA (Interchange Control Header): Identifies the start of the interchange and contains sender/receiver information.
  • GS (Functional Group Header): Groups related transaction sets.
  • ST (Transaction Set Header): Indicates the start of a transaction set.
  • BEG (Beginning Segment for Purchase Order): Contains information specific to the purchase order.
  • REF (Reference): Includes references such as order numbers.
  • N1 Loop (Name and Address): Identifies the buyer.
  • PO1 (Purchase Order Line Item): Details each line item in the purchase order.
  • CTT (Transaction Totals): Summary of the transaction.
  • SE (Transaction Set Trailer): Indicates the end of the transaction set.
  • GE (Functional Group Trailer): Indicates the end of the functional group.
  • IEA (Interchange Control Trailer): Indicates the end of the interchange.

Wednesday, 18 September 2024

EDI Mapping Tools in the Market

Several EDI mapping software and tools are available in the market, each offering different features and capabilities to meet various business needs. 

Here are some of the most widely used EDI mapping software and tools:

1. IBM Sterling B2B Integrator

  • Overview: A comprehensive B2B integration and EDI solution that offers robust mapping, translation, and integration capabilities.
  • Key Features:
    • Supports multiple EDI standards (ANSI X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, etc.).
    • Advanced mapping and translation tools.
    • Secure data exchange with trading partners.
    • Integration with various backend systems like ERP and CRM.
    • Cloud and on-premises deployment options.
  • Ideal For: Large enterprises and organizations with complex EDI requirements.

2. Cleo Integration Cloud

  • Overview: A cloud-based integration platform that supports EDI mapping, translation, and data integration.
  • Key Features:
    • Supports a wide range of EDI standards and protocols.
    • Drag-and-drop mapping interface.
    • Real-time visibility into data exchanges.
    • Integration with multiple applications and cloud services.
    • Pre-built connectors for various business applications.
  • Ideal For: Businesses looking for a cloud-based EDI solution with real-time monitoring and analytics.

3. Seeburger Business Integration Suite (BIS)

  • Overview: An integrated platform for EDI mapping, data transformation, and B2B integration.
  • Key Features:
    • Comprehensive support for EDI standards and formats.
    • Graphical mapping designer for complex data transformations.
    • Secure file transfer and data exchange capabilities.
    • Cloud, on-premises, and hybrid deployment options.
    • End-to-end process visibility and monitoring.
  • Ideal For: Enterprises that need a scalable and flexible EDI and integration solution.

4. Altova MapForce

  • Overview: A graphical data mapping and transformation tool that supports EDI, XML, JSON, and more.
  • Key Features:
    • Visual data mapping and transformation.
    • Supports EDI standards like ANSI X12, EDIFACT, and HL7.
    • Code generation in multiple programming languages.
    • Integration with databases, web services, and flat files.
    • Supports mapping between EDI and various other formats (e.g., XML, CSV).
  • Ideal For: Developers and businesses looking for a versatile mapping tool with a focus on visual data transformation.

5. SPS Commerce

  • Overview: A cloud-based EDI and order management solution offering a range of EDI mapping and integration services.
  • Key Features:
    • Pre-mapped connections with thousands of retailers, suppliers, and logistics providers.
    • Automated EDI document exchange and translation.
    • Real-time order tracking and management.
    • Cloud-based platform with minimal setup.
    • Support for various EDI standards and formats.
  • Ideal For: Retailers, suppliers, and small to mid-sized businesses seeking an easy-to-use, cloud-based EDI solution.

6. Babelway (now part of Tradeshift)

  • Overview: An integration platform that offers EDI mapping, data transformation, and automation capabilities.
  • Key Features:
    • Intuitive mapping editor with drag-and-drop functionality.
    • Support for multiple data formats (EDI, XML, CSV, etc.).
    • Workflow automation and process orchestration.
    • Secure data transfer and tracking.
    • Cloud-based platform with easy integration.
  • Ideal For: Businesses looking for a user-friendly integration platform with EDI capabilities.

7. Dell Boomi

  • Overview: A cloud-based integration platform that includes EDI mapping, transformation, and process automation.
  • Key Features:
    • Supports a wide range of EDI standards and protocols.
    • Visual drag-and-drop mapping interface.
    • Pre-built connectors and integration packs.
    • Real-time data exchange and monitoring.
    • Scalability and flexibility for various business needs.
  • Ideal For: Organizations that require a cloud-native integration solution with EDI capabilities.

8. GoAnywhere MFT

  • Overview: A managed file transfer and EDI solution that provides secure data exchange and EDI mapping.
  • Key Features:
    • Supports multiple EDI formats and standards.
    • Data transformation and mapping capabilities.
    • Secure file transfer protocols (SFTP, FTPS, HTTPS).
    • Integration with cloud services and databases.
    • Workflow automation and scheduling.
  • Ideal For: Businesses that need a secure managed file transfer solution with integrated EDI mapping.

9. Gentran (now part of IBM Sterling)

  • Overview: A widely used EDI translation and mapping software that has become part of the IBM Sterling suite.
  • Key Features:
    • Robust EDI translation and mapping capabilities.
    • Support for multiple EDI standards.
    • Batch and real-time processing of EDI documents.
    • Integration with various enterprise systems.
  • Ideal For: Organizations already using IBM products or seeking a reliable, enterprise-grade EDI solution.

10. MuleSoft Anypoint Platform

  • Overview: An integration platform that provides EDI mapping and API management capabilities.
  • Key Features:
    • Supports EDI standards like X12 and EDIFACT.
    • Graphical data mapping and transformation tools.
    • API-led connectivity for integrating with various systems.
    • Cloud and on-premises deployment options.
    • Monitoring and analytics for data flows.
  • Ideal For: Enterprises looking for a comprehensive integration platform that includes EDI capabilities.

11. GXS (now part of OpenText)

  • Overview: A global provider of B2B integration and EDI solutions offering mapping and translation services.
  • Key Features:
    • Comprehensive support for EDI standards and formats.
    • Cloud-based and on-premises solutions.
    • Integration with ERP, CRM, and other business systems.
    • Managed services and support for EDI implementation.
  • Ideal For: Large organizations seeking a global EDI solution with managed services.

Choosing the Right EDI Mapping Tool:

When selecting an EDI mapping tool, consider the following factors:

  • Compatibility: Ensure the tool supports the EDI standards and formats you need.
  • Ease of Use: Look for a user-friendly interface, especially if you require non-technical users to perform mapping.
  • Integration Capabilities: Verify the tool's ability to integrate with your existing systems, such as ERP, CRM, and databases.
  • Scalability: Choose a solution that can grow with your business and handle increasing transaction volumes.
  • Security: Ensure the tool provides robust security features to protect sensitive data during transmission.
  • Cost: Evaluate the cost of the software, including licensing, implementation, and ongoing maintenance.

These EDI mapping tools help businesses automate and streamline their data exchange processes, improving efficiency and reducing the risk of errors in B2B transactions.

Monday, 16 September 2024

Understanding About EDI Mapping

EDI mapping is the process of converting data from one format or structure to another to facilitate the exchange of information between different systems, often involving the transformation of data into an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) standard format or from an EDI format to another system's format. It ensures that the data being exchanged between trading partners is correctly formatted, structured, and complies with the necessary standards for seamless integration and communication.

Key Components of EDI Mapping:

  1. Source Data: The original format of the data that needs to be converted, which could be from various sources such as ERP systems, databases, or XML/CSV files.
  2. Target Data: The desired EDI format or another system-specific format that the data needs to be transformed into.
  3. Mapping Rules: Specific rules and transformations defined to convert the source data to the target format. These rules account for the structure, sequence, and data type requirements of the EDI standard.
  4. EDI Standards: The standard format to which the data is being mapped, such as ANSI ASC X12, EDIFACT, TRADACOMS, or others. Each standard has its own syntax and structure that the data must comply with.
  5. Mapping Software/Tools: Specialized EDI mapping software or tools are used to create, test, and deploy mapping rules. These tools provide an interface to define how data fields in the source map to fields in the target format.

Steps Involved in EDI Mapping:

  1. Define the Source and Target Formats: Identify the structure and elements of the source data (e.g., a CSV file) and the target EDI standard (e.g., X12 850 for a Purchase Order).
  2. Create Mapping Rules: Develop rules to transform the data fields from the source to the target format. This includes defining how each element in the source maps to the corresponding element in the target, including any necessary data transformations, such as date formatting or unit conversions.
  3. Data Transformation: Apply the mapping rules to convert the data from the source format into the target EDI format. This may involve data manipulation such as concatenation, splitting, or value translations (e.g., converting product codes).
  4. Validation and Testing: Validate the mapped data against the EDI standard to ensure compliance and accuracy. Testing is crucial to ensure the data is correctly formatted and ready for transmission.
  5. Integration: Integrate the mapped EDI data into the destination system, such as sending it to a trading partner or importing it into an internal system.
  6. Deployment and Monitoring: Once validated, the mapping is deployed into a live environment. Ongoing monitoring ensures that the mapping continues to work correctly as data is exchanged.

Example of EDI Mapping:

Source Data (CSV):

OrderID, CustomerName, ProductCode, Quantity, Price
12345, ABC Corp, XYZ123, 10, 50.00

Target EDI (ANSI ASC X12 850 - Purchase Order):

ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *210901*0800*^*00501*000000001*0*P*:~
GS*PO*SENDERID*RECEIVERID*20210901*0800*1*X*005010~ ST*850*0001~ BEG*00*NE*12345**20210901~ N1*BT*ABC Corp~ PO1*1*10*EA*50.00*PE*XYZ123~ SE*7*0001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~

In this example:

  • The OrderID from the CSV maps to the BEG segment's purchase order number.
  • CustomerName maps to the N1 segment.
  • ProductCode, Quantity, and Price map to the PO1 segment.

Benefits of EDI Mapping:

  • Data Consistency: Ensures that data exchanged between partners is consistent and complies with agreed-upon standards.
  • Efficiency: Automates data transformation, reducing manual data entry and the likelihood of errors.
  • Interoperability: Facilitates communication between different systems by transforming data into a mutually understandable format.
  • Compliance: Ensures that exchanged data complies with industry standards and regulations, such as HIPAA for healthcare.

Saturday, 14 September 2024

HIPAA EDI (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Electronic Data Interchange) - Document Structure

HIPAA EDI (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Electronic Data Interchange) sets standards for electronically exchanging healthcare information. These standards facilitate the secure and efficient exchange of patient information, billing details, and other healthcare-related transactions between providers, payers, and clearinghouses.

HIPAA EDI transactions are primarily based on the ANSI ASC X12 standard, and the document structure is defined by specific transaction sets, each assigned a unique identifier. Some of the most commonly used HIPAA EDI transaction sets include:

  • 837: Health Care Claim (Professional, Institutional, Dental)
  • 835: Health Care Claim Payment/Advice
  • 270/271: Health Care Eligibility Inquiry and Response
  • 276/277: Health Care Claim Status Request and Response
  • 278: Health Care Services Review Information
  • 834: Benefit Enrollment and Maintenance

1. General Structure of HIPAA EDI Documents

HIPAA EDI documents follow the ANSI ASC X12 format, which consists of segments, elements, and loops:

  • Segments: The basic unit of information in an EDI document, representing a specific piece of information (e.g., patient information, claim amount).
  • Elements: Data components within a segment, separated by a delimiter (often an asterisk *).
  • Loops: Groups of related segments that repeat together to capture related sets of information.

Each EDI document starts with an Interchange Control Header (ISA) and ends with an Interchange Control Trailer (IEA). The structure includes functional groups and transaction sets within these headers and trailers.

2. Key HIPAA EDI Transaction Sets

2.1 837 Health Care Claim

Used by healthcare providers to submit claims for payment to payers. There are three types of 837 transactions:

  • 837P: Professional Claims
  • 837I: Institutional Claims
  • 837D: Dental Claims
Example Structure of 837:
  • ISA: Interchange Control Header
  • GS: Functional Group Header
  • ST: Transaction Set Header
  • BHT: Beginning of Hierarchical Transaction
  • Loop 1000: Submitter and Receiver Information
    • NM1: Name Segment (e.g., Submitter Name)
  • Loop 2000: Subscriber Hierarchical Level
    • HL: Hierarchical Level
    • SBR: Subscriber Information
    • Loop 2300: Claim Information
      • CLM: Claim Information
      • DTP: Date/Time Period (e.g., Date of Service)
  • SE: Transaction Set Trailer
  • GE: Functional Group Trailer
  • IEA: Interchange Control Trailer
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *210901*0800*^*00501*000000001*0*P*:~
GS*HC*SENDERID*RECEIVERID*20210901*0800*1*X*005010X222A1~ ST*837*0001*005010X222A1~ BHT*0019*00*0123*20210901*0800*CH~ NM1*41*2*SENDER NAME*****46*123456789~ PER*IC*EDI SUPPORT*TE*5555555555~ NM1*40*2*RECEIVER NAME*****46*987654321~ HL*1**20*1~ NM1*85*2*PROVIDER NAME*****XX*1234567893~ N3*123 MAIN ST~ N4*ANYTOWN*GA*30303~ HL*2*1*22*0~ SBR*P*18*MED*ABC****CI~ NM1*IL*1*DOE*JOHN****MI*123456789A~ CLM*123456*500***11:B:1*Y*A*Y*I~ DTP*434*RD8*20210101-20210101~ SE*25*0001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~
  • ISA: Identifies the sender and receiver, with control numbers and date/time.
  • GS: Groups transaction sets that are related.
  • ST: Marks the start of a transaction set.
  • NM1: Name information (e.g., provider, receiver).
  • CLM: Claim information, such as the claim number and amount.
  • SE: Indicates the end of the transaction set.

2.2 835 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice

Used by payers to send payment information and explanations of benefits to providers. It includes payment details, such as what was paid and adjustments made.

Example Structure of 835:
  • ISA: Interchange Control Header
  • GS: Functional Group Header
  • ST: Transaction Set Header
  • BPR: Financial Information
  • TRN: Reassociation Trace Number
  • Loop 1000: Payer Identification
    • N1: Name Segment (e.g., Payer Name)
  • Loop 2000: Header Number
    • LX: Header Number
    • TS3: Provider Summary Information
    • Loop 2100: Claim Payment Information
      • CLP: Claim Payment Information
      • CAS: Claim Adjustment
      • NM1: Patient Name
  • SE: Transaction Set Trailer
  • GE: Functional Group Trailer
  • IEA: Interchange Control Trailer
ISA*00* *00* *ZZ*SENDERID *ZZ*RECEIVERID *210901*0800*^*00501*000000001*0*P*:~
GS*HP*SENDERID*RECEIVERID*20210901*0800*1*X*005010X221A1~ ST*835*0001*005010X221A1~ BPR*C*1500*C*ACH*CTX*01*123456789*DA*987654321*123456789*151231*01~ TRN*1*1234567890*9876543210~ N1*PR*PAYER NAME*PI*1234567890~ LX*1~ TS3*1234567890*20191231*1*1000~ CLP*123456*1*2500*2000*500*11*MC123456789~ CAS*CO*45*500~ NM1*QC*1*DOE*JOHN~ SE*19*0001~ GE*1*1~ IEA*1*000000001~
  • BPR: Details about the payment, including amount and method.
  • TRN: Trace number to link the payment with the claim.
  • CLP: Claim payment information, including the claim ID and payment amount.
  • CAS: Details about adjustments made to the payment.

2.3 270/271 Health Care Eligibility Inquiry and Response

  • 270: Used by providers to inquire about a patient's eligibility and benefits.
  • 271: Used by payers to respond to the 270 inquiry with eligibility and benefit information.

3. Common HIPAA EDI Segments

  • ISA: Interchange Control Header
  • GS: Functional Group Header
  • ST: Transaction Set Header
  • NM1: Name Information
  • CLM: Claim Information
  • DTP: Date/Time Period
  • BPR: Financial Information
  • CAS: Claim Adjustment
  • SE: Transaction Set Trailer
  • GE: Functional Group Trailer
  • IEA: Interchange Control Trailer

4. Document Characteristics

  • Standardized Format: Ensures consistent data representation, reducing errors and increasing processing efficiency.
  • Loops and Segments: Allows the inclusion of complex information, such as multiple diagnoses or procedures, within a structured format.
  • Delimiters: Uses specific characters (e.g., *, ~, :) to separate elements and segments within the document.
  • Control Numbers: Each transaction has unique identifiers for tracking and managing the exchange of documents.

Thursday, 12 September 2024

RosettaNet - Document Structure

RosettaNet is a set of open XML-based standards designed to align processes and enable seamless communication between businesses, particularly in the supply chain and electronic components industry. The RosettaNet standard is widely adopted in industries such as electronics, telecommunications, and IT for business-to-business (B2B) document exchanges.

RosettaNet defines Partner Interface Processes (PIPs) that describe specific business processes and document structures to automate and standardize transactions like purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notices.

1. RosettaNet PIP Document Structure

A RosettaNet message is typically made up of two parts:

  1. Service Header: Contains information about the transaction, including the sender, receiver, and message type.
  2. Service Content: Contains the actual business information (such as an order or invoice).

Each document is formatted in XML and follows a hierarchical structure based on predefined PIP specifications. A PIP generally includes:

  • Business action request (e.g., placing an order).
  • Business action response (e.g., confirming the order).

2. Structure Components

2.1 Service Header

The Service Header provides essential information about the business transaction, such as:

  • Message ID: A unique identifier for the transaction.
  • Sender and Receiver Information: Identifies the business entities involved.
  • Timestamp: When the message was sent.
  • PIP Identifier: Specifies the business process the message relates to (e.g., Purchase Order, Invoice).
<MessageID>1234567890</MessageID> <Timestamp>2024-09-10T12:00:00Z</Timestamp> <Sender> <PartnerIdentification> <PartnerID>SenderCompanyID</PartnerID> </PartnerIdentification> </Sender> <Receiver> <PartnerIdentification> <PartnerID>ReceiverCompanyID</PartnerID> </PartnerIdentification> </Receiver> <PIPCode>3A4</PIPCode> <!-- PIP for Purchase Order Request --> </ServiceHeader>
  • MessageID: Unique ID of the message.
  • PIPCode: Identifies the PIP (e.g., "3A4" for Purchase Order Request).

2.2 Service Content

The Service Content section contains the actual business data related to the PIP. Depending on the PIP being used, this could be details about an order, an invoice, or shipment status.

Example for PIP 3A4 (Purchase Order Request):
<PurchaseOrderRequest> <OrderHeader> <OrderNumber>PO123456</OrderNumber> <OrderDate>2024-09-10</OrderDate> </OrderHeader> <OrderItems> <Item> <LineNumber>1</LineNumber> <PartNumber>ABC123</PartNumber> <Quantity>100</Quantity> <UnitPrice>15.00</UnitPrice> </Item> <Item> <LineNumber>2</LineNumber> <PartNumber>XYZ456</PartNumber> <Quantity>50</Quantity> <UnitPrice>20.00</UnitPrice> </Item> </OrderItems> <ShippingInformation> <ShipTo> <Company>ReceiverCompany</Company> <Address> <Street>Main Street 123</Street> <City>CityName</City> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </Address> </ShipTo> <ShipDate>2024-09-15</ShipDate> </ShippingInformation> </PurchaseOrderRequest> </ServiceContent>
  • OrderHeader: Contains metadata about the purchase order, such as the order number and date.
  • OrderItems: Contains individual items in the order, each with details like the part number, quantity, and price.
  • ShippingInformation: Provides shipping details, including the shipping address and the expected ship date.

3. RosettaNet PIPs

RosettaNet defines several PIPs for different types of transactions, categorized into clusters and segments based on the type of business process. Common PIPs include:

  • PIP 3A4: Purchase Order Request.
  • PIP 3B2: Invoice.
  • PIP 3B12: Advanced Shipment Notification.

Each PIP has its own document structure and guidelines for how the transaction should be handled.

4. Example of a Complete RosettaNet PIP Message (PIP 3A4 - Purchase Order)

<ServiceHeader> <MessageID>1234567890</MessageID> <Timestamp>2024-09-10T12:00:00Z</Timestamp> <Sender> <PartnerIdentification> <PartnerID>SenderCompanyID</PartnerID> </PartnerIdentification> </Sender> <Receiver> <PartnerIdentification> <PartnerID>ReceiverCompanyID</PartnerID> </PartnerIdentification> </Receiver> <PIPCode>3A4</PIPCode> </ServiceHeader> <ServiceContent> <PurchaseOrderRequest> <OrderHeader> <OrderNumber>PO123456</OrderNumber> <OrderDate>2024-09-10</OrderDate> </OrderHeader> <OrderItems> <Item> <LineNumber>1</LineNumber> <PartNumber>ABC123</PartNumber> <Quantity>100</Quantity> <UnitPrice>15.00</UnitPrice> </Item> <Item> <LineNumber>2</LineNumber> <PartNumber>XYZ456</PartNumber> <Quantity>50</Quantity> <UnitPrice>20.00</UnitPrice> </Item> </OrderItems> <ShippingInformation> <ShipTo> <Company>ReceiverCompany</Company> <Address> <Street>Main Street 123</Street> <City>CityName</City> <CountryCode>US</CountryCode> </Address> </ShipTo> <ShipDate>2024-09-15</ShipDate> </ShippingInformation> </PurchaseOrderRequest> </ServiceContent> </BusinessMessage>

5. Key Elements of RosettaNet Documents

  • Standardization: RosettaNet ensures a high level of standardization across industries, particularly in electronics and IT, making it easier to exchange documents between global partners.
  • PIPs: Business processes are modularized into PIPs, making it easy to define specific transaction types (such as ordering, invoicing, etc.).
  • XML Format: The use of XML makes RosettaNet flexible and machine-readable, which simplifies integration between different systems.

Tuesday, 10 September 2024

PEPPOL - Document Structure

PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) is a network and framework designed to facilitate standardized e-invoicing, procurement, and electronic document exchange across borders, particularly for the public sector in Europe. It ensures that documents like invoices, orders, and dispatch advice can be exchanged seamlessly between businesses and public entities using a common format and framework. PEPPOL is based on the Universal Business Language (UBL) and uses a four-corner model to ensure interoperability between different service providers.

PEPPOL’s document structure follows a modular approach, and each type of document (such as an invoice or order) has its specific structure built on the UBL format. It relies heavily on XML to structure the documents, making them machine-readable and adaptable to various industries.

1. Basic PEPPOL Document Structure

PEPPOL documents are primarily XML-based and follow the UBL (Universal Business Language) structure. A typical document includes three main parts:

  • Header: Contains metadata about the document, such as sender, recipient, and document type.
  • Body: Contains the actual transaction data, such as line items, prices, and delivery details.
  • Footer: May include closing details or signatures.

The document is enclosed in a standard XML format that follows the UBL schema, ensuring that it is structured uniformly for all parties.

2. PEPPOL Document Types

PEPPOL supports several types of business documents for cross-border e-procurement and e-invoicing. Some of the common PEPPOL document types include:

  • Invoice: An e-invoice issued from a supplier to a buyer.
  • Order: A purchase order sent by a buyer to a supplier.
  • Despatch Advice: A shipping notification detailing what is being shipped.
  • Order Response: A confirmation or rejection of a purchase order.
  • Catalogue: A structured product or service listing.

3. Structure of a PEPPOL Invoice (Example)

3.1 Header Section

The header section of a PEPPOL document includes basic information about the document itself, such as the invoice number, the date of issue, the parties involved, and relevant references.

<Invoice xmlns="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:Invoice-2"
xmlns:cac="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonAggregateComponents-2" xmlns:cbc="urn:oasis:names:specification:ubl:schema:xsd:CommonBasicComponents-2"> <cbc:ID>INV001</cbc:ID> <!-- Invoice number --> <cbc:IssueDate>2024-08-14</cbc:IssueDate> <!-- Invoice date --> <cbc:InvoiceTypeCode>380</cbc:InvoiceTypeCode> <!-- Invoice type code --> <!-- Parties involved --> <cac:AccountingSupplierParty> <cac:Party> <cbc:Name>Supplier Name</cbc:Name> <cac:PostalAddress> <cbc:StreetName>Main Street</cbc:StreetName> <cbc:CityName>Berlin</cbc:CityName> <cbc:PostalZone>10001</cbc:PostalZone> <cbc:Country> <cbc:IdentificationCode>DE</cbc:IdentificationCode> <!-- Country code --> </cbc:Country> </cac:PostalAddress> </cac:Party> </cac:AccountingSupplierParty> <cac:AccountingCustomerParty> <cac:Party> <cbc:Name>Buyer Name</cbc:Name> <cac:PostalAddress> <cbc:StreetName>Buyer Street</cbc:StreetName> <cbc:CityName>Paris</cbc:CityName> <cbc:PostalZone>75001</cbc:PostalZone> <cbc:Country> <cbc:IdentificationCode>FR</cbc:IdentificationCode> <!-- Country code --> </cbc:Country> </cac:PostalAddress> </cac:Party> </cac:AccountingCustomerParty> </Invoice>
  • <cbc:ID>: Invoice identification number (unique).
  • <cbc:IssueDate>: The date when the invoice was issued.
  • <cbc:InvoiceTypeCode>: A code that identifies the type of document (380 for invoices).

3.2 Body Section

The body contains the actual transaction data, including line items, quantities, prices, taxes, and payment details.

<cbc:ID>1</cbc:ID> <!-- Line item number --> <cbc:InvoicedQuantity>10</cbc:InvoicedQuantity> <!-- Quantity invoiced --> <cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="EUR">200.00</cbc:LineExtensionAmount> <!-- Line total --> <!-- Item details --> <cac:Item> <cbc:Name>Product A</cbc:Name> <!-- Product name --> <cbc:Description>Description of Product A</cbc:Description> <!-- Product description --> </cac:Item> <!-- Pricing --> <cac:Price> <cbc:PriceAmount currencyID="EUR">20.00</cbc:PriceAmount> <!-- Unit price --> </cac:Price> </cac:InvoiceLine> <cac:TaxTotal> <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">40.00</cbc:TaxAmount> <!-- Total tax amount --> <cac:TaxSubtotal> <cbc:TaxableAmount currencyID="EUR">200.00</cbc:TaxableAmount> <!-- Taxable amount --> <cbc:TaxAmount currencyID="EUR">40.00</cbc:TaxAmount> <!-- Tax amount --> <cac:TaxCategory> <cbc:ID>VAT</cbc:ID> <!-- Tax category (e.g., VAT) --> <cbc:Percent>20</cbc:Percent> <!-- Tax percentage --> </cac:TaxCategory> </cac:TaxSubtotal> </cac:TaxTotal>
  • <cbc:InvoicedQuantity>: The quantity being invoiced.
  • <cbc:LineExtensionAmount>: The total amount for the line item (quantity x unit price).
  • <cbc:PriceAmount>: The unit price for the item.
  • <cbc:TaxAmount>: The total tax amount for the invoice.

3.3 Footer Section

The footer may contain summary information, such as totals for the invoice, the currency used, and payment terms.

<cbc:LineExtensionAmount currencyID="EUR">200.00</cbc:LineExtensionAmount> <!-- Subtotal excluding taxes --> <cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount currencyID="EUR">200.00</cbc:TaxExclusiveAmount> <!-- Total before tax --> <cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount currencyID="EUR">240.00</cbc:TaxInclusiveAmount> <!-- Total including tax --> <cbc:PayableAmount currencyID="EUR">240.00</cbc:PayableAmount> <!-- Total amount payable --> </cbc:LegalMonetaryTotal> <!-- Payment terms --> <cac:PaymentMeans> <cbc:PaymentDueDate>2024-09-14</cbc:PaymentDueDate> <!-- Due date for payment --> <cbc:PaymentMeansCode>30</cbc:PaymentMeansCode> <!-- Payment method code --> </cac:PaymentMeans>
  • <cbc:PayableAmount>: The total amount that is payable, including taxes.
  • <cbc:PaymentDueDate>: The date by which payment is due.

4. PEPPOL and UBL Compliance

PEPPOL documents are built on UBL 2.1, which is a globally accepted XML format for electronic documents. This ensures compatibility across various systems, regardless of the software used by either party. PEPPOL’s specifications for each document type provide detailed rules on how to implement UBL for e-procurement processes, ensuring that the structure is followed consistently.

5. Four-Corner Model

The PEPPOL network uses a four-corner model to facilitate interoperability. This model involves:

  1. Sender: The company or public entity sending the document.
  2. Sender's Access Point: The service provider or system that sends the document on behalf of the sender.
  3. Receiver's Access Point: The service provider or system that receives the document on behalf of the receiver.
  4. Receiver: The recipient of the document.

This model ensures that documents can be sent and received across different systems and countries without compatibility issues, as long as both parties are connected to the PEPPOL network through their access points.

Comparison Between EDI and API

Comparison between  EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) and API (Application Programming Interface) in the context of B2B data exchange: ...